Aug 5, 2024
Hawaii Fluid Art: Cracking the Code for Franchise Growth with Delightree
Joseph Ortega

Founded in 2019, Hawaii Fluid Art started with a vision to make art accessible and fun for everyone, offering a unique experience where creativity meets community. What began as a single studio in Hawaii quickly evolved into one of the fastest-growing art franchises in the U.S., with over 200 locations across the country. Their rise in popularity is no surprise—fluid art classes provide an engaging, hands-on activity for all ages, making it a go-to destination for date nights, team-building events, and family outings.

However, rapid growth comes with its own set of challenges. As Hawaii Fluid Art expanded, so did the complexity of their operations. Franchisees struggled with inefficient systems, communication breakdowns, and inefficiencies that slowed the opening of new locations. The brand’s initial success highlighted the urgent need for scalable, streamlined processes that could support their expanding network.

That’s when Delightree stepped in to help Hawaii Fluid Art overhaul its operational approach, bringing order to chaos and preparing the franchise for its next stage of growth.

The Growth Roadblock: Inefficient Systems and Communication Breakdowns

Let’s get one thing clear: selling franchises is the easy part. The real challenge lies in creating scalable systems to manage your growing empire. Hawaii Fluid Art hit roadblocks in three critical areas:

  • Outdated and Confusing Systems: Juggling multiple platforms led to confusion and inefficiency across locations.
  • Communication Gaps: Keeping franchisees connected to the corporate team and each other was becoming more difficult as new locations opened.
  • Lagging New Location Openings: The process of opening new locations was bogged down by a lack of streamlined processes.

These challenges weren’t just slowing them down—they were preventing the franchise from realizing its full potential.

Enter Delightree: The Operational Powerhouse for Franchise Success

Hawaii Fluid Art partnered with Delightree to replace their patchwork of tools and fragmented communication systems with a single, powerful all-in-one platform. Delightree simplified operations across all their locations, helping Hawaii Fluid Art scale efficiently and effectively.

Here’s how:

1. Operational Checklists

In the franchise world, task management isn’t a "nice-to-have"—it’s essential. For Hawaii Fluid Art, inefficient processes for running classes and managing customer service were causing inconsistencies across locations. Delightree’s Operational Checklists brought structure to these processes, ensuring franchisees knew exactly what needed to be done, and when.

The result? Every Hawaii Fluid Art location now runs like clockwork, with daily, role-based checklists covering everything from art class prep to customer interactions. Notifications and accountability are built in, so nothing falls through the cracks.

2. Training

The success of a franchise is directly tied to the success of its franchisees. Without proper training, even the best franchise concepts can crumble. Delightree rolled out comprehensive Training Modules that replaced confusing systems and put everything franchisees need at their fingertips—no more digging through Google Docs or outdated manuals.

Hawaii Fluid Art franchisees now access up-to-date training materials for employee onboarding, customer service, and operations through a centralized system. Whether it’s running art classes or handling customer inquiries, franchisees are trained and ready to execute at the highest level.

3. Platform Integration

Having multiple platforms for various tasks is a recipe for inefficiency. Hawaii Fluid Art needed a consolidated solution to replace their previous tools, including FranConnect’s Hub, Opener, and Chatter. Delightree provided an all-in-one platform, giving franchisees real-time access to operational checklists, training materials, and other essential documents.

With this seamless integration, franchisees no longer waste time switching between platforms—they have everything they need in one place.

4. Zor-Zee Communication

Franchisees need constant communication with their corporate team and with their local staff to stay engaged and aligned with brand standards. Delightree’s Chat feature streamlined communication, enabling Hawaii Fluid Art franchisees to connect, collaborate, and share updates in real-time.

Franchisees now have a direct line to corporate support, while also being able to communicate easily with staff. This level of connectivity has been a game-changer, fostering a stronger, more collaborative network.

The Bottom Line: Results That Drive Growth

Hawaii Fluid Art didn’t just survive the challenges of scaling—they thrived. Here’s what implementing Delightree did for their franchise operations:

  • New Location Onboarding: Franchisees were onboarded 50% faster, with 100% of new locations using Delightree’s platform to access the latest training and operational documents.
  • Operational Efficiency: With streamlined checklists, franchisees saw a 25% reduction in time spent on daily tasks, allowing them to focus more on growth and customer experience.
  • Training Success: Employee retention improved by 20%, and 95% of staff completed their training in under 10 days—a significant improvement over their previous systems.
  • Platform Adoption: 90% of franchisees transitioned from Google Docs and FranConnect to Delightree, creating a more efficient, connected network.

Scaling Beyond the 200-Location Mark: What’s Next for Hawaii Fluid Art?

Hawaii Fluid Art is primed for even greater growth, thanks to the scalable systems provided by Delightree. With streamlined operations, efficient communication, and comprehensive training in place, Hawaii Fluid Art can focus on what really matters: expanding their footprint and delivering unique, memorable experiences to their customers.

If you’re ready to break through the barriers to franchise growth and scale your business like never before, Delightree has the tools and expertise to help you get there.

It’s time to stop juggling outdated systems and start building the operational machine that will power your franchise to new heights. Contact us to learn how Delightree can transform your franchise operations today.

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